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North America
South America
Austral Islands
Baja California
Baja California Sur
Balearic islands
British Columbia
Canary Islands
Communauté autonome du Pays basque
Georgia (U.S. state)
Leeward Islands
Marquesas Islands
New Aquitaine
New Caledonia
New Zeland
Pays de la Loire
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Reunion Island
Rhode Island
South Africa
State of New York
Tuamotu Archipelago
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States
Valencian community
Washington State
Windward Islands
Religious building (530)
Accommodation (899)
Agricultural area (832)
Airport (90)
Airport planning (121)
Aménagemant portuaire (1)
Amusement Park (40)
Aquaculture (209)
Aqueduct (5)
Bay (1788)
Beach (2165)
Body of water (716)
Bridge (543)
Business district (84)
Canal (172)
Centrale géothermique (17)
Coast (6327)
Coastline (4562)
Complexe de lancement spatial (13)
Cultural structure (150)
Desert (15)
Dune (88)
Etablissement scolaire (21)
Forest (895)
Fortified building (460)
Funerary monument (76)
Glacier (51)
Gulf (194)
Health facility (9)
Hotel establishment (199)
hydraulic projects (48)
Industrial park (299)
Island (3623)
Lighthouse (570)
Monument (734)
Paralic Middle (298)
Parkland (155)
Penitentiary (17)
Port (1720)
Port planning (1614)
Power station (36)
Rail planning (154)
Relief (2880)
River (817)
Road (732)
Rural (585)
Salt marshes area (154)
Schorre (127)
Sea (1808)
Sky (394)
Sports infrastructure (182)
Station (19)
Town (2407)
Urban (622)
Viaduct (84)
Village (874)
Volcano (201)
Watercourse (665)
Wind farm (58)
brown pelican (1)
buddhist temple (2)
flea market (1)
protected natural site (2)
religious site (2)
water sports (27)
28th parallel (1)
4x4 (3)
abbey (78)
aber (3)
accident (3)
accommodation (11)
acropolis (5)
activity zone (5)
administration (5)
administrative centre (11)
adret (1)
advertising (10)
aerobatics (5)
aeronautics (6)
aerospace (18)
affluant (3)
agglomeration (8)
agricultural equipment (18)
agriculture (759)
aid station (1)
aile (1)
Air Force (1)
air force (1)
air traffic (3)
Airbus (2)
aircraft (26)
aircraft carrier (4)
airship (5)
airship (5)
alignment (11)
American football (3)
american Navy (1)
american pelican (2)
amphibia-boat (5)
anchorage (654)
animal (335)
antenna (45)
antique (7)
antiquity (16)
apartheid (1)
application (2)
aquagym (1)
aquarium (4)
arc (3)
arch (22)
archéology (4)
archipelago (897)
architectural structure (1)
architecture (92)
arena (13)
arid (108)
arid zone (1)
arsenal (2)
art (1)
Art déco (1)
artificial harbour (12)
artificial island (15)
artificial islet (1)
artificial lake (7)
artist (3)
ash (15)
assembly (2)
assembly building (7)
astronautic (14)
astronomical observatory (6)
athletic field (2)
athletic track (1)
athleticism (2)
atoll (198)
attraction (14)
auditorium (2)
autonomous port (25)
avenue (15)
aviation (4)
back light (24)
backhoe (1)
bagne (7)
bain chaud (10)
balcon (1)
bank (41)
bank (46)
bar (6)
barge (21)
barley (1)
barnum (1)
barracks (4)
barrage hydroélectrique (24)
barrier island (3)
basalt (6)
Basalt column (2)
baseball (8)
baseball court (1)
basilica (21)
basin (287)
basque pelota (1)
bassin à flot (4)
bassin vase (1)
bastion (9)
bateau militaire (3)
bather (15)
bayou (47)
beacon (12)
beaconing (4)
bell (1)
bell tower (23)
beluga (4)
belvedere (15)
benne preneuse (2)
bichique (3)
big wheel (11)
bike (10)
bird (104)
bird of prey (7)
black sand (16)
blackhouse (7)
blockhouse (20)
boarding (4)
boat (2990)
boat lift (3)
bodyboard (4)
boeing (4)
boiling (1)
bone (1)
bones (1)
booth (3)
border (9)
border (36)
boreal forest (33)
botanical garden (7)
bothy (58)
bottling (4)
bouchot (31)
bouddha (2)
boulevard (2)
bovine (16)
breach (1)
breakwater (1)
brownfield land (5)
building (5)
building (517)
building (1)
bull (1)
bulwark (97)
bungalow (26)
bunker (18)
buoy (15)
bus (21)
bypass (7)
byzantine (1)
cabane de pêche (5)
cabane tchanquée (8)
cabin (18)
cable car (9)
cable-stayed bridge (34)
cactus (8)
café (5)
caldeira (78)
cale (7)
camargue (27)
camelle (2)
camp (8)
camp (15)
camping-car (18)
campsite (40)
campus (10)
cannery (1)
cannon (1)
canoe (21)
canopy (55)
cantilever bridge (1)
canyon (8)
canyon (33)
canyoning (1)
cape (404)
capital (161)
car (485)
car (3)
car carrier (1)
car park (126)
car race (3)
caravan (17)
cardon (1)
cargo ship (9)
cargo ship (22)
cargo ship (111)
carousel (22)
carriage (2)
cart (1)
caseyeur (4)
casier (1)
casino (11)
castle (201)
catamaran (11)
cathedral (62)
cave (42)
cave (4)
celebrity (2)
cemetery (96)
Center pivot irrigation (5)
centrale (38)
centrale hydroélectrique (28)
centrale nucléaire (3)
centre de conférence (1)
cereal (2)
cervid (14)
chain-bridge (26)
chaland (2)
champs (10)
channel (164)
chapel (38)
char (1)
chargement (7)
chasm (21)
chemical tanker (19)
child (1)
christ (2)
church (293)
cinder cone (11)
cinema (3)
circuit (3)
circultation routière (1)
cistern (45)
citadel (50)
cité administrative (1)
cité antique (2)
city (7)
city bowl (1)
city centre (33)
classified site (15)
clay (3)
clearing (4)
cliff (73)
cliff (970)
climbing (2)
clock (11)
cloister (14)
close up (2318)
closed town (43)
clothes line (2)
cloud (341)
coal (2)
coastal conservatory (45)
coastal river (13)
coastal river (16)
coastal village (8)
coastguard ship (5)
coastline (1)
coconut (2)
coconut tree (62)
cod-fisher harbour (2)
collection (1)
college (3)
column (5)
combat aircraft (1)
commercial area (27)
commercial port (8)
commercial port (70)
company (65)
competition (14)
compressor station (1)
concert hall (3)
conche (1)
concorde (5)
confluent (6)
congress centre (9)
congress centre (6)
conifer (9)
conservatoire (1)
constructed wetland (6)
construction (22)
construction site (80)
container (107)
container ship (46)
control tower (28)
conveyor belt (4)
conveyor belt (2)
copra (2)
coral (200)
cordillera (31)
cormaque (11)
cormorant (2)
corrie (113)
cottage (12)
country (42)
cours d'eau (1)
course (11)
course hippique (1)
courthouse (4)
couvent (2)
cove (229)
cove (634)
cow (34)
craft (2)
craft liftnet (36)
crag (16)
crane (164)
crater (91)
crayfish (1)
crest (64)
criée (7)
cross (20)
crossroads (5)
crowd (6)
cruise (2)
cruise ship (26)
cruise ship (90)
crumbling (4)
cuesta (1)
culte (6)
cultural center (52)
cultural centre (2)
cultural space (3)
culture (16)
customs (5)
cyclist (10)
dam (60)
dance (1)
darkroom (5)
deckchair (2)
deer (2)
deer (19)
delta (4)
demonstration (1)
départ (1)
destroyer (2)
detention center (2)
detention centre (1)
digging (3)
discovery (291)
dismantling (2)
Disney (3)
distillery (20)
district (3)
district (432)
diver (13)
diving board (2)
divinity (5)
dock (267)
dock work (3)
dog (8)
dolly zoom (142)
dolmen (6)
dolphin (16)
domain (15)
dome (12)
dome (13)
dôme géodésique (1)
donkey (3)
douve (6)
drawbridge (6)
dredger vessel (8)
dredging (10)
dredging vessel (5)
drought (11)
drug addict (2)
dry dock (2)
dugout (24)
dump truck (4)
dune (18)
dungeon (31)
dyke (645)
eagle (1)
earthquake (2)
ecological reserve (4)
ecology (6)
écomusée (1)
ecosite (1)
ecosystem (13)
education (1)
Eiffel (3)
electric pole (12)
electricity (38)
elevation (1)
elk (7)
emir (1)
emirate (14)
end (548)
endemic species (1)
energy (27)
engine (3)
entrance (1)
environment (1)
equestrian sport (7)
equine competition (1)
erosion (51)
eruption (10)
esplanade (4)
estuary (190)
evening (379)
excavation (1)
Exhibition Center (1)
exhibition complex (1)
exit (2)
expedition (1)
exploitation (63)
exploration (1)
exportation (10)
exposition (4)
extraction (48)
factory (3)
factory (118)
farm (97)
farm (31)
faubourg (8)
fault (geology) (28)
fen (48)
fence (2)
ferry (96)
ferry terminal (1)
ferryboat (27)
field (578)
financial area (2)
fir (2)
fish (33)
fish breeding (25)
fisherman (69)
fishing (242)
fishing boat (239)
fishing harbour (142)
fishing net (46)
fishing rod (3)
fishing spot (2)
fissure (4)
fjord (147)
flag (108)
flare (44)
flight (81)
floating bridge (1)
flock (3)
flood (39)
floral park (1)
flow (72)
flowered coast (7)
foam (82)
fog (42)
fond de mer (18)
fond marin (48)
football (16)
football field (4)
footbridge (26)
foreshore (256)
forest (31)
forteresse militaire (1)
fortification (154)
fortified castle (27)
fortified structure (172)
fortified tower (3)
fortified town (43)
fortress (54)
forum (4)
fountain (8)
free zone (5)
fresh water (2)
fret (1)
frisbee (1)
fronton (1)
fumarole (50)
galerie (1)
gallop (1)
gaming room (1)
garage (1)
garden (59)
garrigue (56)
gas carrier (3)
gas station (1)
gate (3)
gay pride (1)
gaz (17)
gazoduc (1)
gear (5)
gear (108)
genoese tower (11)
geomorphology (1)
geothermic (29)
ghost town (3)
girder bridge (1)
glacial lake (10)
glacial tongue (26)
glacier (12)
goat (9)
golf (31)
golf course (11)
golfer (3)
goods (19)
grade (slope) (13)
grain farming (5)
granite (30)
grape (3)
grapevine (221)
grave (42)
grave (4)
gravel quarry (1)
gray whale (3)
great site (4)
Great site of France (20)
Greek city (3)
green (3)
green roof (1)
greenhouse (24)
grey sand (3)
ground zero (1)
grue à treillis (1)
guard (1)
gully (115)
habitat (1)
halle (3)
hamlet (187)
handball (1)
handling transporter (1)
harbor (1)
harbor master's office (2)
harbour (107)
harness racing (1)
harvest (24)
Hawaiian canoe (1)
hawser (2)
headland (12)
heavy equipment (6)
hedgerow (202)
helicopter (81)
heliport (17)
herd (49)
heritage (217)
Hermione (2)
hermit (1)
hermitage (1)
hight school (6)
highway (47)
hike (23)
hiker (9)
hiking trail (1)
hill (66)
hill (521)
Hinduism (2)
historic centre (19)
historic heritage (1)
historical lighthouse (1)
historical monument (520)
historical site (4)
history (1)
hole (1)
holiday (11)
holiday village (2)
home (1)
horizon (21)
hornito (2)
horse (73)
hospital (8)
hospital complex (1)
hotel (186)
hotel complex (29)
house (107)
house (1388)
hovercraft (3)
humid forest (3)
hunt (2)
hut (1)
ice (39)
ice melt (37)
ice sheet (50)
iceberg (26)
île (1)
îlot granitique (19)
importation (4)
Indian Reserve (4)
industrial activity (6)
industrial port (26)
Industrial water treatment (4)
industry (96)
interchange (7)
international airport (1)
international port (4)
intersection (4)
irrigation system (5)
islet (97)
islet (51)
isthmus (5)
Jacques Brel (2)
jail (21)
jet ski (9)
jet ski (1)
jockey (1)
kanak (14)
Katrina (7)
kayak (11)
kite (10)
kite terrestre (4)
kitesurf (50)
lac proglaciaire (26)
lagoon (493)
lagoon (76)
lagunage (6)
lake (431)
land art (2)
lande rase (2)
landes forest (1)
landing (13)
landing (16)
landing stage (2)
landing stage (63)
landing strip (68)
lantern (1)
lava (95)
lava lake (5)
lawn (1)
level crossing (1)
lifeboat (14)
lifeboat (16)
lift bridge (31)
light (43)
light (5)
lignite (2)
limestone (45)
litter (1)
lobster (4)
lock (16)
lodge (1)
logging truck (2)
low angle shot (264)
low tide (140)
lunar (2)
luxury (26)
luxury hotel (4)
maglev train (3)
magmatic rock (18)
magmatic rock (8)
mall (9)
malouinière (22)
mangrove (33)
manor (13)
marais salant (5)
Marennes-Oléron (4)
marigot (1)
marina (536)
marina (44)
marine cave (1)
marine nature reserve (117)
marine park (2)
maritime connection (2)
maritime museum (4)
maritime pine (3)
marsh (247)
marshland (9)
mast (15)
meadow (29)
meander (38)
média (1)
Media library (5)
medieval building (12)
medieval city (4)
medieval port (10)
medina (5)
meeting (1)
megalith (11)
megalithic structure (2)
memorial (23)
menhir (6)
merchant ship (7)
metal (1)
metal bridge (4)
metallurgy (8)
metropolis (160)
Mickey (3)
microlight (21)
military (44)
military (41)
military base (11)
military camp (5)
military complex (1)
military fort (32)
military port (38)
military structure (2)
mill (21)
minaret (10)
mine (61)
minerai (68)
mineral port (3)
mining (7)
mining company (35)
mining maquis (10)
mining village (6)
minor news item (2)
mist (38)
mobil plateform (1)
model (2)
monastery (54)
monitoring (146)
monk (2)
monolith (12)
monomoteur (35)
monoplan (2)
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moon (4)
mooring (5)
mosque (20)
moto (2)
motorboat (106)
mouilage (1)
mound (5)
mount (618)
mountain (1427)
mountain rampart (4)
mountain range (203)
mountaineering (3)
mountains (633)
mousse (16)
mouth (296)
mudflats (14)
mudflats (28)
municipal stadium (4)
museum (139)
mussel (40)
mussel culture (54)
nacelle (5)
NASA (12)
national forest (8)
national navy (56)
national park (189)
national park (17)
National Register of Historic Places (1)
Natura 2000 (255)
natural arch (11)
natural park (6)
natural pool (15)
natural region (40)
natural space (3)
natural zone of interest for ecology (9)
nature (3)
nature reserve (110)
nature reserve (206)
naturism (3)
Nautic base (1)
naval base (32)
naval tanker supporting (1)
navigation (7)
navy (4)
navy (56)
nécropole mégalithique (2)
nest (3)
net (34)
niaouli (3)
nickel (61)
night (185)
nightclub (1)
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nursery school (3)
obelisk (18)
observatory (22)
occasion (2)
ocean (85)
oceanologic center (1)
oil (33)
oil equipment (2)
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oil refinery (2)
oil shaft (3)
oil tanker (7)
oil terminal (10)
olive cultivation (1)
olive grove (8)
olive tree (2)
onion tower (2)
opening (1)
opera (2)
orchard (6)
ore carrier (8)
ornithological park (5)
orthodox (21)
oued (2)
outrigger canoe (2)
oval track racing (3)
oyster (126)
oyster bed (62)
oyster boat (14)
oyster farming (158)
oyster port (16)
paddle (1)
paddle (10)
paddle boat (6)
paediatrician (1)
painter (1)
palace (25)
palm grove (7)
palm tree (264)
palmerie (7)
pandanus (8)
panoramic circling (2002)
panoramic view (4)
panoramique (55)
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park (127)
parliament (4)
pass (9)
passage (7)
passe (13)
pastime (107)
pasture (41)
pasture (79)
path (130)
path (21)
patrimoine mondiale (19)
Paul Gauguin (3)
peatland (13)
pêche à pied (11)
pelican (4)
pen (1)
penguin (1)
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peninsula (97)
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phare (1)
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pierre tombale (1)
pile (42)
pilot (12)
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pin (3)
pinasse boat (7)
pinasse boat (5)
pinassote (5)
pink flamingo (11)
pique (4)
piste (4)
piste de course (1)
piton (38)
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plan serér (1)
plan zéntih (2)
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plantation (3)
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presbytère (1)
principality (79)
private property (29)
procurement (21)
production (1)
professionnal player (3)
propeller (7)
property (56)
property of cultural Interest (10)
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protected site (3)
protected species (3)
protection (3)
proue (2)
province (3)
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public garden (2)
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puit (1)
pyramid (6)
quarry (21)
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radio (5)
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raft (1)
raie (2)
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ravine (1)
rayon (3)
raz (11)
reconstitution (1)
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refuge (3)
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regional nature reserve (88)
religion (31)
remand centre (1)
remarkable garden (5)
renewable energy (14)
repairs (7)
rescue (8)
research center (5)
reserve (33)
reservoir (27)
residence (73)
residential area (79)
restaurant (40)
restauration (19)
rhum (3)
ria (108)
riding (27)
rif (1)
Ring Road (5)
river (460)
river dam (28)
road structure (84)
rock (55)
rock (7)
rock (1576)
rocket (12)
rocky inlet (114)
roll-on ship (10)
roller coaster (2)
Roman era (5)
roof (47)
rope (2)
roseate spoonbill (2)
rouille (2)
rouleau (1)
route (2)
rowing (7)
rowing boat (29)
rubber dinghy (5)
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ruin (132)
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ryadh (4)
sacred site (5)
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sailboard (11)
sailboat (185)
sailing boat (290)
sailing dinghy (2)
sailor (1)
saline (51)
salt (31)
salt marsh (131)
salt marsh (95)
salt marsh (7)
salt pans (22)
salt production (85)
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sand (75)
sand dredgers (2)
sand-yachting (3)
sandbank (21)
sandbank (220)
sandstone (3)
satellite (2)
satellite dish (1)
saunerie (1)
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sauveteur (1)
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scenery (4)
school (23)
School for Magistrates (1)
schooner (3)
science (1)
science facility (4)
scorie (1)
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swimming (7)
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tanker (1)
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terminal de conteneur (30)
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terrace farming (2)
territorial subdivision (4)
TGV (6)
the edge of the wood (9)
the New 7 Wonders of Nature contes (23)
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theatre (2)
thermae (5)
thermal (1)
thermal center (1)
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tourist attraction (103)
tourist attraction (12)
Tourist residence (21)
tourist site (14)
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UNESCO (258)
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university sector (2)
unloading (6)
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vanilla (2)
vapor (16)
Vauban (59)
vegetation (604)
vehicle (510)
velodrome (5)
vendange (4)
versant (27)
vestige (58)
vierge (6)
view (11)
villa (82)
ville portuaire (23)
vine-growing (216)
vineyard (17)
vineyard (192)
vintage car (1)
VIP (1)
VIP (3)
voile (29)
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volcanic ash (49)
volcanic island (185)
volcanic rock (17)
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walker (1)
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water treatment (1)
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waterfall (104)
waterfall (4)
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weather station (2)
well drilling (5)
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wetland (51)
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whale (21)
whaler (1)
wharf (10)
wheat (1)
wheel (1)
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white cement (2)
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winching up into a helicopter (7)
wind (113)
windmill (72)
windmill (2)
wine (7)
wine warehouse (5)
winter sports resort (1)
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wooden bridge (2)
work (2)
worker (1)
works (56)
workshop (2)
world heritage (204)
wreck (66)
yacht (113)
yole (19)
zebra crossing (3)
zone de protection spéciale (5)
zoom in (1171)
zoom out (1875)
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Collioure and Fort Saint-Elme
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Argelès-sur-Mer port
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Collioure and Fort Saint-Elme
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Fort Saint-Elme
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Fort Saint-Elme
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Fort Saint-Elme
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Fort Saint-Elme
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Collioure and Fort Saint-Elme
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Royal Castle of Collioure
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Port de Collioure
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